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What Your Sex Toys Reveal About Your Personality

What Your Sex Toys Reveal About Your Personality

Sex toys are all unique, fun, and intriguing in their own ways. Each type has different functions and purposes, so it isn’t really surprising that they all bring a unique flavour of fun. So what does our favourite sex toy say about us? If each has its own personality, what does our choice in toy say about our own personalities? Think about what you’ve got in your toy box and see if these traits fit you.



If a vibrator is your pet pleasure product, you’ve got a direct and straightforward personality. You know what you want and you know how to get it. You’re also dependable and hardworking. Just like a vibrator, you strive to bring pleasure to all around you as much as you can and can’t get enough of smiling faces. People might comment that you’re a little too intense at times, but other times, that is exactly what we all need.



Comforting and reliable, you’re that friend who’s always there and always has everyone else’s back. You’re not concerned with how often you get together, you know that it will always be a good time. Because of your tremendous diversity and adaptability, people know you are always up for an adventure, no matter where you’re headed. You always fill a space with happiness.


G-spot Stimulator

Much like vibrators, you’re direct and to-the-point...but you like more of an adventure before you focus in on what you’re after. You never want to be the first into the fray, you’d rather stand back and observe the situation for a while before getting your feet wet. However, once you do decide to jump in, you’re all in focusing with a singular determination. And when your attention is steadfast, great things happen.



You crave closeness and comfort - with a dash of the wild side. When you come into someone’s life, they’re bound to have a great time. Some may find you a little tightly wound, but that is just your way of maintaining a little control. You’re definitely the dominant person in a relationship, but you always provide wonderful stability - especially when things get a little rough.


Prostate Massager

The kindred spirit of G-spot stimulators, you’re also fairly single-minded and determined. Your ability to focus is even higher because of your unique position and physical shape. People in authority know that they can add you to any team and get amazing results. Despite these lofty expectations, you have a very reasonable understanding of what you can and cannot do - and so do others. You aren’t always a closer, but you’re a great facilitator along the way.


Nipple Clamps

You’re often underrated and sometimes even mocked. Of course, this is usually only done by people who have no idea just how amazing you are. Despite seeming like a show-off with your natural bling appeal, you’re actually somewhat understated in your purpose. You get attached to your job and hold on to it - with the hope for great results - with a firm, keen grip.

So, what does your sex toy say about you?

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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