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What Are Sexual Star Signs?

What Are Sexual Star Signs?

Raise your hand if you believe in astrology? Do you follow your star sign religiously or do you casually glance at horoscopes when you happen to turn that page of the newspaper?

Astrology has been around a very long time, but it isn’t always considered in the best light. Can the stars positions, just twelve formations, really tell us what we need to know about our personalities? Better yet, can the stars really tell us about our sex lives?

Take a read of this different, sex-themed version of horoscopes. It isn’t going to tell you to be wary of strangers in the street or that you’ll do well at work or maybe you should play the lotto. It is going to tell you what your sex is like.

I’ll share a little bit. I’m an Aquarius, but considering astrological terminology, I might be considered on the cusp of Capricorn. Maybe that means I can cherry-pick the best (and worst?) or both star signs. I’ll give you an honest run-down of whether the Aquarian attributes actually fit my sexual personality.

A Humble Analysis

Aquarians can also seem a little detached when it comes to love as they're more likely to be dreaming with their heads in the clouds than thinking of earthly pleasures.

*I’ll give them that. Sometimes I don’t even know where my head is going—and that includes during sex. And this can get tricky as a man in his 40s. Sex can be moving along at a great pace and I’ll be really into it, but then...well...thoughts of whatever enter my head and I get distracted and suddenly we’ve got a much softer situation to deal with.

You can enjoy a satisfying sex life with Aquarius though, as long as you rip up the rule book and be prepared for the unconventional to appeal to their sense of nonconformity.

*This is also fairly accurate. Personally speaking, I do enjoy a number of unconventional sexual activities. I think this might be their sanitized way of saying “fetish.” I just hope it doesn’t come across as meaning that this supposed rule book has be to thrown out the window. I’m happy to play in lots of different ways. Don’t think Aquarians want to get freaking all of the time.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, *HELL yes it is—oh, wait, I think they mean the planet—the planet of technology, so any quirky new sex gadgets are likely to spark their interest.

*Okay, to keep this on track and not on ass, this part is true. I’ve definitely spent a lot of time dabbling in sex. It definitely isn’t a requirement during sexytimes, but it can certainly be a fantastic addition.

What Is My Fate?

Huh. Turns out this particular sexual horoscope is fairly accurate for me. I wasn’t really expecting that. Now, I do see it as making fairly broad strokes and general assumptions. However, in reviewing other star signs sexiness, I can definitely see that I do not align with others at all.

What do you think? Tell us in the comments whether your astrological sign really does reflect your actual sexual personality.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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