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One Sexy Foot In Front Of The Other

One Sexy Foot In Front Of The Other

Do you know what the most popular fetish in the world is beyond BDSM? Look down...look way down. That’s right, tender tootsies are among the most sought after body parts beyond our sexy bits and pieces.

This may come as a surprise to some because feet are often portrayed as dirty and unpleasant. Many folks also consider feet ugly and unpleasant. We hear about fungus and corns and blisters...what could be sexy about feet?

Best foot forward

Well, remember, every part of the body has the potential for imperfection. But every body part also has the potential for beauty. Given the attention paid to feet through pedicures and the wide variety of revealing sandals, a lot of people are greatly interested in looking at and touching sexy feet.

The key to enjoying a foot fetish is to find the type of feet you find most enticing. Whether you’re interested in playing with men’s or women’s feet, there are lots of different feet out there! Pretty or rugged, smooth or hairy, rough or tender, clean or dirty. Just as in every type of sex, you’ll find foot fetishists want a wide variety of foot types.

Regardless what your favourite foot looks and feels like, touching is going to be a high point of enjoying such a low appendage. And what better way to treat yourself and your lover than with a slow and sensual massage! Warm up some massage oil and have your partner get into a relaxing position. This can be laying down or sitting in a chair. Some foot lovers like the idea of subservience, so kneeling down at the feet of your partner can add to the fun.

The eternal appeal of a foot massage

With your slick hands, slowly run your hands over the soles of your partner’s feet. Coat each foot in oil, but then focus on just one. Use both of your hands to squeeze and work the muscles. Don’t neglect the toes! That is very unlikely. Most folks who are into feet are usually into toes as well. The two of you can take your time with this massage—you’re both deriving pleasure. A foot massage can lead to more sexual action or it can be used as masturbatorial for the fetishist.

Another favourite activity for foot lovers is kissing and licking. If you’re already curious about foot fun, this is the activity that will draw you in fully. There is something deeply sensual about taking your partner’s toes in your mouth or licking the length of their sole. Tasting your partner’s foot can be a spontaneous thing or can be fully planned out. In the heat of a hot moment, you might grab your partner’s foot and suck their toes mid-fuck. This can provide a tremendous jolt of pleasure and lead to big smiles.

Or, you will want to plan oral foot pleasure to get it right—and this will depend on the type of hygiene that is desired. If you like your partner to have clean and fresh feet, take the time to wash and care for your partner’s feet just before your sexytime. Other folks like their feet fun a bit dirty and smelly. It is much easier to achieve this result—just let a day go by and enjoy the results of your partner’s hard work.

There are a lot of variations to foot fun—take a kick at all of them!

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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