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Women And Casual Sex

Women And Casual Sex

Let’s talk about one big problem we are still struggling with as an evolving sexual society. Well, two problems, but they are related.

The overarching problem is casual sex. Through world history there have been various periods, across cultures, where casual sex was understood and accepted. Celebrated even. Let’s not kid ourselves into thinking it was, necessarily, good sexual culture, but it was a thing and people were okay with it.

Well, these periods were often then followed by cultural shifts that were very repressive, in many ways, particularly to sex. As a result, historical booty calls and people hooking up just for fun was dramatically lessened and sometimes outlawed outright.

At this point, it is fair to say that we are just emerging from one of those repressive times, just dipping our toes back into the casual pool.

Do women want casual sex?

That said, let’s get back to the more specific problem. Certainly, we’ve had issues with casual sex in general, but what really gets peoples’ boxers in a knot is the outrageous idea of women having casual sex. I know, right? What a wild and crazy idea! Women don’t even like sex! We need to control women’s bodies because they gotta takes care of the childrens…

You get I’m being ridiculous, right? Of course women want casual sex and they all of the musty and fusty old white men to keep their figurative mitts away from their bodies (some women might literally want this type of man, that’s their choice!).

The point is, women are autonomous people who have every right to live and feel any way they want. And this includes living their best sexual lives. But the societal stigma that is still attached to both casual sex and women having casual sex is still strong and pretty hard to overcome.

The challenges women face in sexual culture

That said, some women are moving past these influences. While this article does present the many different challenges women still face in establishing great sex lives, one area that points to positive movement is emerging. It may sound obvious, but it turns out that women who initiate casual sex are less likely to regret that encounter afterwards.

This may sound like a pretty basic thing. Sure, if you pick the situation, you are likely to be cool with the outcome, regardless how it turns out. But let’s remember that women have rarely been allowed this opportunity because of our expected social norms. Our hypermasculine culture has centred initiation firmly in the laps of men, with the resident penis receiving more support than the woman it hopes to engage.

There is a lot of potential with this movement towards women achieving sexual agency. This is not to say that all women should be pursuing casual sex. It is that if a woman wants to pursue casual sex, she should. She’ll be understood and, as long as she acts ethically and consensually, she will enjoy the same social standing as men who have always had sexual agency.

And then hopefully, doors will keep opening for women so that they can always enjoy the best sex of their lives.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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