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The Bandoleer Sex Position

 The Bandoleer Sex Position

A simple change in one body part can move sex from one form of stimulation to another. The Bandoleer sex position is a wonderful way to access and pleasure her G-Spot. Needing something new, something a little different, she pulls him close for a deep kiss. His penis deep inside her, she wants his divine pressure elsewhere. After releasing his lips, she leans back and draws her legs up. He leans back slightly to allow her to guide the movement. Finally, resting her feet on his chest, he leans forward, arms on her legs. She uses her arms to guide him more, hands on his thighs. When she realizes he’s in just the right position, she looks him in the eye. He knows to thrust again and the sensation is immediate. His cock finds her tender spot and she moans deeply with each intimate thrust.

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