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Apps Is Where It's At For Sex Ed

Apps Is Where It's At For Sex Ed

Technology is an important tool in many parts of our lives. And it may well be proven that different forms of tech will greatly influence our sex lives. Sure, we’re already seeing the advent of sex tech for entertainment and pleasure, but some difference is emerging. Something that shouldn’t even need tech innovations. Something that should be a basic part of our lives.

Tech is becoming a key aspect of sex education

In different parts of the world, sex ed varies from “we’ll give you a decent amount of useful information” to “having sex is completely wrong, don’t do it, we’re warning you!” There are some places with middle ground, but it doesn’t really matter. Most people are not receiving a comprehensive sex education in their formative years, and as a result, many different sexual issues are still a problem—and some are getting worse.

Because of the institutional lack of quality sex ed, we must applaud the 24-year-old creator of Juicebox, an app that allows young people to ask any type of sex ed without fear of being judged. These questions and concerns are then addressed or answered by experts in the sex education field—not some random gym teacher who drew the short straw.

Maybe it is because Brianna Rader is still young herself that she gets it, but it seems too many people in positions of authority to determine education curriculum or health policy are completely out of touch with what the youth of today needs. The primary thing they don’t need? Abstinence-only education. Why? Because nobody, anywhere, has ever needed abstinence only sex education. We are humans and, by and large, we fuck. We like to fuck. We do it for procreation and for fun. This is never going to stop. This is never going to change. Trying to convince people otherwise is a fool’s errand. You might as well go to the beach and start shovelling the ocean to find dry land. You’ll accomplish that much sooner than you’ll accomplish abstinence in the teenage and young adult education.

The danger of abstinence-only sex ed

And the most worrying thing? Abstinence-only sex ed actually keep young people from learning important information, particularly about STIs. So many people are coming up without a clue about infections and diseases that could affect them the rest of their lives. No education about protection. No education about prevention. No education about treatment. Nothing...and kids are getting sick because of this.

The Juicebox app has already proven itself popular, with the experts fielding many different types of questions—the majority being about STIs. This proves one significant thing: young people are keen to know about sex. Okay, that shouldn’t be surprising at all. Young people are and always have been interested in sex! This is not going to change. However, there are still too many domineering attitudes out there that belittle the need for sex ed. Fortunately, young people are reaching out and using the technology they have at their fingertips to find out the answers to their pressing questions.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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