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Tips And Advice For Staying Wet And Wild

Tips And Advice For Staying Wet And Wild

We spend far too much time maintaining too many assumptions when it comes to sex. Guys are always interested. Women act like they do in porn. Men don’t need emotional connection. Women automatically get wet when they are aroused.

While all of these topics could warrant a blog post of their own (and maybe someday they will!), we’re going to focus on the last misconception and try to shed some light—to benefit everyone.

When everything goes well, when stimulation and arousal build, a vagina will become wet with secretions. This is the body’s natural lubricant for whatever kind of penetration you and your playmate have in mind. Typically, the hotter things get, the wetter the vagina gets. And it will continue to be marvelously moist throughout the sexual experience if everything goes well.

And that’s where things can be a problem. Or, sometimes a real problem and other times just a misunderstanding. Vaginal dryness can occur for many different reasons, some of which you will be able to control and others that might be require some help. If you are concerned with your level of wetness in sexual encounters, run through the following questions.

How are you feeling?

Our bodies are an interconnected biosphere, with some seemingly unconnected parts influencing others. For example, if you are under the weather with a cold or flu, you might notice a decrease or absence of wetness. Diet and lack of water intake can also have a negative effect on vaginal wetness.

Are you on any medications?

Medication can be one of those things that has one purpose but produces a side effect. There are many different types of medications that can diminish vaginal lubrication (as well as libido). One type of medication that particularly conflicts are anti-depressants. If you think your lack of wetness is due to a medication conflict, discuss potential alternatives with your doctor.

Are you being stimulated and turned on enough?

This idea can be a hard one to deal with. If you are having partnered sex and not getting wet, it might be something as simple as you and your partner not finding the best types of ways to turn you on. Without the proper level of stimulation, it is no wonder! The key here is to be open and honest with each other. Communication is the sexiest toy in your tickle trunk. You need to be able to share with your partner that what they do isn’t doing anything for you. And your partner needs to listen to your thoughts without getting hurt feelings. Once you establish a good back and forth, being clear what does and doesn’t work, then you can start with some new and exciting methods and ways to touch. Just trying something new is sometimes exciting enough to spur a renewed flood.

Are you in the right headspace for sex?

And this may be hardest of all to consider: Do you want to have sex with this person? Do you want them touching you? Are there issues or lingering problems between you? Or is it not them? Are you too distracted by kids/work/family/friends/or any of the many concerns that pass through our heads daily? If any of these are the case, my suggestion is to just stop. Tell your partner that you’re just not up for this at the moment. And then, if need be, reach out to someone to talk to.

About Jon Pressick
Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is the sex community's international gadabout and Cherry Banana's writer in residence. An award-winning sex writer and blogger, Jon is the editor of the critically-acclaimed Best Sex Writing of the Year, Volume 1. He is a frequent contributor to Cherry Banana with a range of sex-related content and his writing has appeared in numerous magazines and books, as well as all across the Internet. Jon is also a co-host and producer of the long-running sex radio show Sex City. You can keep up with his many sex-related articles here at Cherry Banana or at his own blog, Sex in Words.

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