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The Indian Headstand Sex Position

The Indian Headstand Sex Position

Some sex positions are more for the “let’s see if we can actually do it” than any tremendous erotic potential. The Indian Headstand sex position will certainly test your strength and stamina, and maybe you’ll get off in the process - though it better be quick! She dared him, and he couldn’t believe it. A casual Doggy Style fuck had turned into some kind of test of his strength. Taking her up on it (a blowjob offered as a prize), he begins the ascent up - all while staying inside of her! First up on one foot, then the next, now all he has to do is straighten up and... they’ve done it! The new position makes her moan in pleasure, but at the same time, her arms start to wobble from holding her weight. Slowly, he sets her back down, and decides to ram his cock home over and over. The blowjob can happen another time.

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