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The Clasp Sex Position

The Clasp Sex Position

Imagine a slow, naked tango in your own living room. You move in exquisite, sensual moves, close and romantic. When the music hits a fever pitch, you’re ready for The Clasp sex position. They’d always been fond of dancing together, whirling around the room to a sultry sound. But this was the first time they’d thought to do it naked! As their bodies touch and grind and swirl against each other, their sexual desire grows. When one song ends on a strong upbeat, he takes her face in his hands and kisses her deeply. Her arms find his shoulders and his move down to her bum. She’s manoeuvred his cock to between her legs and he can feel her wet. Kissing again, he lifts her by the hips and her legs swing around his hips, hugging his torso tightly. And as the next song begins to play, he enters her and they sway to the rhythm in sensual bliss.

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