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Articles Tagged With Just for Fun

The Benefits of Role Play
Have you ever fantasized about your partner being someone... different? Oh, you’d still like them to be them... but different. Maybe you’d like some subtle short-term changes, like a different outfit, or maybe you want them to be altogether different. Whatever your present situation, it is only natural to want some variety—even if you love yo...
What Exactly Got Launched In Hawaii?
How would you react to the possibility of impending death? Some people will surely panic, running around in the streets. Others would try to plan and attempt to find some sort of escape. And some folks would just gather their loved ones, hold them close and move on to the next existence with those they care about close by. Now, depending which o...
Trying Something Different: Outercourse!
Somewhere along the way, we got the idea that sex is all about intercourse. Okay, we probably started thinking that way because that was, pretty much, what sex was. Our primitive ancestors were probably all about getting the penis in the vagina because, at that point, sex was mostly about procreation. Having sex probably also left them exposed to a...
The Grinch Who Stole Sex Toys
There are plenty of low down and dirty criminal activities that happen every day. But stealing toys has to be considered one of the most despicable of all. Remember when The Grinch did it because his heart was too sizes to small? Toys are supposed to be loved and enjoyed, not sullied by the hands of thieves. Think of the children! Wait...what? T...
No Ducking These Animal Facts
What the duck! There are many problems with our current sexual climate. Consent, sexual assault, predatory behaviour, coercion, toxic masculinity... the list, sadly, goes on and on and on. And somehow we think we so very evolved from our animal cousins. But have you heard about some of the mating habits of ducks? Yes, ducks, the quackers. A gene...
Sperm Smoothies: The Key To Health?
Well, I shouldn’t discount this because I’m neither an expert in beauty regimes or nutrition (seriously, Google me. No wait, please don’t). But something tells me that this woman’s daily dose of sperm as a nutritional supplement might not be all that she thinks it is. In fact, it might not be anything at all. Here’s the thing: guys hav...


Moan, Gasp, Scream - The Sounds Of Sex
Everybody has their own sex “style.” This could refer to their choice of positions, if they are into BDSM or fetishes, if they are aggressive or passive, or even if they like it with the lights on or off! Sex comes in so many different flavours—and that can be such a glorious benefit to our days. Unfortunately, it can also cause some frict...


Handful, Mouthful, Moreful: How To Handle Big Dicks
This may sound like some kind of fallacy since it really isn’t the type of thing we hear about every day, but it really is possible that you might encounter a penis that is just too big. I know, kinda sounds like we’re talking about the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot. But it is true, there are plenty of people out there who have cocks that exceed...
Would You Visit A Sex Cafe?
When people think about sex, the first space they envision is the bedroom. From early on, we are taught that sex happens in a bed, under covers, in the dark. But that is starting to change. Now, this isn’t to say that there is anything wrong with having most or even all of your sex in the bedroom—not at all! Rather, instead of falling into t...


You Are What You Eat? Porn Star Breakfasts!
Here’s a newsflash for anyone out there who still thinks shooting porn is nothing but glitz and glamour, fun and fucking. It isn’t just show up horny (because we all are, all the time, right?) and get down and dirty for raunchy good times. There is a lot to consider beforehand and one of those things is how you take care of yourself with a good...


The Ridiculous Sex Toy Bans From Around The World
I am not ashamed to admit that there are some things in this world that I just do not understand. I don’t get why people are so fascinated with “celebrities.” I cannot fathom why people eat casu marzu—the cheese with maggots in it. Nobody will ever be able to explain to me the appeal of watching football, the most boring game in the world. ...


The Bombay Night Frog And The Froggy Style Sex Position
We’ve all heard of doggie style, right? Well, are you ready for froggy style? Probably not. While the connections between human sexual behaviour and our friends in the animal kingdom can be very strong at times, the mating style particular to the Bombay night frog isn’t one that is likely to turn too many people into horny toads. Hor...


Roll The Dice And Take A Sexy Chance With Sex Games!
Who doesn’t love games? Board gaming culture has made a significant comeback on the cultural landscape, with bigger and better releases coming out all the time. And what’s the latest hot spot where you live? More and more often, the game cafe is turning into the fun place to gather with friends for some hot game-playing fun. Okay, it isn’t...
Why Slut Isn't A Dirty Word
Would you date a “slut”? Most people’s first reaction is going to be “no” because the word slut has such a negative connotation. We are all taught that a slut is someone who sleeps around and fucks whomever, whenever, without a care for feelings and without emotion. And you’ve got to admit, if you came across someone like that (or, e...
Dennis Rodman's Hilarious Broken Dick
Sit yourself down and get ready for the spectacular story of how Dennis Rodman, notorious former basketball player and party madman has broken his dick three different times. First let’s consider the stories themselves. Did we mention Rodman is a madman? When he started out in the NBA, he was just like any other player. He was very skilled and...
Pucker Up For Dick Lipstick
Anytime there is an attempt to integrate a popular consumer product with some aspect of sexuality there is a great potential for silliness, weirdness and, quite likely, trouble. Sex does not readily lend itself to items that are outside the sexual realm. Sex is a very specific thing that means many different things to many different people. Take...


Sex Toy Reviewing: A Hard, Horny Job
There is one segment of the Internet that has grown significantly in the past 10 years that does not get the recognition it should when discussing the unbridled growth of online content and the important force that sex is in the online world. In an age of Yelp and Amazon reviews, people have more opportunity than ever to make their voices heard and...


We Talk About Exploding Cocks, But This Is Ridiculous!
Listen, I’m all for all kinds of sex in all kinds of ways. You want to go get kinky? Rock on! You want to sneak out and enjoy some public sex? Play safe and don’t affect others. You enjoy playing with sex toys that enhance your orgasms and pleasure? Fantastic! But if you’re going to do all of this and enjoy some hot sex with a sex toy in a...
Get Ready for Intergalactic Orgasms
Have you ever been outside on a lovely summer night, laying in the grass with your lover, looking up at the stars and wondered “Where will my cum go if I blow a load in space?” Well, certainly that isn’t the only question that would come to mind. I’m sure you’d be pondering positions and thrusting and what boobs and balls would look li...


Hot And Steamy Shower Sex
One of the most hot and steamy types of sex often depicted in movies and on television is, literally, hot and steamy! And rightfully so! Getting with your partner under the warm, rushing current of a shower can be one of the most intimate and sexy things you can do. Shower sex is presented all the time for a reason - it looks amazing! However, a...


Experiencing VR Porn For The First Time
We are entering brand new realms of never before experienced ways to explore sex and sexual content. There is no doubt that every new technology has been leveraged, right from the beginning into different ways to capture and then send sexual content to any and everyone who was interested in viewing. From photos to film to video to internet and now ...


Navigating Embarrassing Sex Situations
Everybody has had at least one in their sexual lives. Whether it was gross or humorous, panic-inducing or easily taken in stride, we’ve all done something in the heat of the moment that causes a complete sense of embarrassment. However, it is how you dealt with it that determines whether the situation was a dealbreaker or not. Easily the most ...
Laughing And Crying Over Awkward Sex
We’ve all been there. Whether alone or with a partner or even a whole group, we’ve all done something completely and undeniably awkward during sex. And we’re not talking a misplaced finger or an unfortunate sound (farts won’t make the cut here, everybody has farted during sex). Truly awkward sex moments can define your day, month or even ye...
The Best Music To Have Sex To
Whether you’ve just brought home someone new or want to impress your long-term squeeze, the right body-rockin’ playlist can definitely set the tone of sexy things to come. Are you looking for fun and playful or down and dirty? A nice slow groove or raunchy and racy? Sexy music gives you and your partner lots of options to explore - you might ev...


Porn Hub: The Quest For Space Porn
It seems you can’t go a day without some kind of sex advice article giving you the top ten ways to spice things up in your relationship. And one of those list items is usually to take your sexytimes out of the bedroom. But I can’t imagine they’re referring to intergalactic intercourse! Many of us have grown up on science fiction and fan...
Klittra: The New Name For Female Masturbation
Why do we have such a problem with the word masturbation? Think about it - nobody likes this term. We've got countless euphemisms for the act, some pleasant, like 'self love' and others crude, like 'beating the meat.' We will call stimulating one's own genitals any other thing in the world except masturbation. And female masturbation? That barel...
The Do's and Don'ts Of Sexting
Mobile phones are a ubiquitous part of culture now. They have gone from being a nifty little accessory to a near necessity. You can't go anywhere without seeing some talking on their mobile. Actually, let's back that up. You can't go anywhere without seeing some using their mobile phone. The telephone part is becoming more and more an add-on as ...
Dealing With The Wet Spot
Sex is beautiful! Sex is fun! Sex is great until someone lays back for some well-earned rest and rolls into the Wet Spot. The butt of many a sitcom and rom-com and lack-of-com joke, the wet spot is that part of the bed (couch, chair, bearskin rug) that happens to be ground zero of the collection of sexual juices. A veritable puddle of sexual ...
Mum's Outrage Over Teddy Bear Cake
When did we all become so afraid of sex? How did society get its collective panties so twisted into a bunch that decorative teddy bears on the top of a child’s cake becomes the target of some uptight fool’s fear and scorn? So, a mother orders a christening cake for her daughter’s big day. When the tasty baked good arrived, the mother was s...


What Your Sex Toys Reveal About Your Personality
Sex toys are all unique, fun, and intriguing in their own ways. Each type has different functions and purposes, so it isn’t really surprising that they all bring a unique flavour of fun. So what does our favourite sex toy say about us? If each has its own personality, what does our choice in toy say about our own personalities? Think about what y...


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